Celergen, the Glycemic Index, and What you can do to lower it

celergenNovember 30, 2017

Of all the wonderful benefits that Celergen has, many people overlook that fact that it also has the Glycemic Index (GI) reducing property, and is therefore a natural means of fighting against the increasing number of overweight people and health disorders that are linked with obesity.


The glycemic index measures the effects of foods that contain carbohydrates on your blood sugar levels. High glycemic foods have a larger effect on your blood glucose levels than low glycemic foods do.

Scientific studies on how a diet’s glycemic index affects health are published almost every month. Some of them show:

  • How a high GI diet is linked to increased risk of certain cancers.
  • How a high GI diet seems to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • How a low GI diet can help maintain weight loss.
  • How the lower a meals GI is, the lower the blood sugar and insulin levels will be after eating.


You can use the glycemic index to create a diet that controls blood glucose levels. One of the things you can do is to choose less processed forms of foods, because processing tends to raise the GI. Fresh fruit has a lower GI than fruit juices, whole grains have a lower effect on blood sugar levels than refined grains, and cooking pasta for less time can actually lower its glycemic index compared to pasta which is cooked longer.

You can also add fiber, fat, and protein to your diet to help control your diet’s glycemic index. Dietary fiber, fat, and protein slow the release of sugar into your blood and help to lower the overall GI of a meal that contains carbohydrates. A healthy source of fats is avocado, which you can slice and add to numerous dishes. You can even use peanut butter as a dip for apples, because it contains protein, healthy fats, and dietary fiber.

Ideas for swapping high for low GI foods.

  • Brown rice for white rice
  • Bran flakes for cornflakes
  • Pasta for baked potato
  • Whole-grain bread for white bread
  • Peas or leafy greens for corn
  • Whole fruits for fruit juices or dried fruits

Celergen comes into play with the unique Peptide N. Studies have found that not only does the Peptide N in Celergen significantly lower the blood glucose response, but it has been shown to reduce the appetite and promote satiety via its actions on metabolic hormones. By doing this, Celergen helps to lower the risk of obesity and alleviate symptoms of type II diabetes. If you combine a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet with Celergen, not only are your risks for multiple health disorders significantly lowered, but you’ll find yourself with less stress living a rich and fulfilling life.


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