Privacy Policy

Celergen SA is committed to your privacy. We do not collect personally identifiable information about you when you visit our site, unless you choose to provide such information to us.
Providing such information is strictly voluntary. This policy is your guide to how the Celergen SA will handle information we learn about you from your visit to our website.

Information Collected and Stored Automatically

Certain information about your visit can be collected when you browse websites. When you browse, we, and in some cases our third-party service providers, can collect the following types of information about your visit, including the following:

  1. Domain from which you accessed the internet
  2. IP address
  3. Operating system for the device that you are using and information about the browser you used when visiting the site
  4. Date and time of your visit
  5. Pages you visited
  6. Address of the website that connected you to (such as
  7. Device type (desktop computer, tablet, or type of mobile device)
  8. Browser language
  9. Geographic location
  10. Time spent on page
  11. Scroll depth (how much of a webpage was viewed)
  12. User events (e.g., clicking a button)

Sending Us an Email

You also may decide to send us personally identifying information, for example, in an electronic mail message containing a question or comment. We use personally identifiable information from email primarily to respond to your requests. We may forward your email to other Celergen employees who are better able to answer your questions. We may also use your email to contact you in the future about Celergen programs that may be of interest.

We want to be very clear: We will not obtain personally identifiable information about you when you visit our site unless you choose to provide such information to us. Providing such information is strictly voluntary. Except as might be required by law, we do not share any information we receive with any outside parties.
If you sign up for one of our email lists, we’ll only send you the kinds of information you’ve requested. We will not share your name or email address with any outside parties.