Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex, Celergen’s most potent ingredient, is an all-natural product obtained from marine species living
in pollution-free, deep ocean waters.

Extensive clinical studies show that Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex provides the following health benefits:


Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex is proven to manage osteoarthritis pain effectively and naturally, allowing you to live an active, pain-free lifestyle within weeks without painkillers or surgery.

This figure shows the effects of a combination of 400 mg/day of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex and vitamin B+E complex given orally for 30 days on self-reported pain in 2,960 osteoarthritis sufferers (average age 61).

At the end of 30 days, more than 89.5% of volunteers reported substantially reduced pain relative to the start of the study.Overall, 21% experienced total relief, 68.5% felt partial relief, and nearly 84% reported a noticeable improvement in their physical performance.

This figure shows the effects of 200 mg/day of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex (Bio-DNA CMC) given orally for 21 days and 42 days on self-reported knee and hip pain associated with osteoarthritis in 67 invalids. The effects of Diclofenac, a painkilling non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) is also provided for comparison.

At 21 days, just under 15% of invalids treated with Bio-DNA CMC reported significantly less knee and hip pain, compared to just over 25% for Diclofenac . At 42 days, nearly 40% of invalids reported a significantreduction in their knee and hip pain with Bio-DNA CMC, relative to 35% with Diclofenac.

In other words, Bio-DNA CMC is as or more effective than Diclofenac after 6 weeks of treatment in managing arthritis pain – without any of Diclofenac’s side effects.


Levels of cellular enzymes and other proteins critical for energy production drop with age. Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex boosts enzyme levels and activity, which dramatically affects energy and stamina. Several male patients claimed that they no longer felt the need to take Viagra because of a renewed sense of vitality across the board.

Clinical studies show that Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex boosts stamina as measured by oxygen consumption during exercise.

This figure shows the effect of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex (Bio-DNA CMC) given orally for 21 days on stamina relative to placebo as measured by oxygen consumption during exercise.

At the start of the study on Day 0, average oxygenconsumption in study participants was 38.3 ml/MN/kg. After 21 days of Bio-DNA CMC treatment, average oxygen consumption increased to 39.6%.

In other words, Bio-DNA CMC improves stamina as measured by oxygen consumption within 3 weeks without any of the harmful side effects of steroids or other banned substances.

In a related study, 80% of the study subjects showed an improvement in their recuperation after exercise.


Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex gives your cells the nutrition they need to stimulate cellular enzymes critical for self-healing and energy production by triggering cellular rejuvenation in your body.

Clinical studies show that Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex reduces many of the unpleasant physical symptoms of aging and enhances physical wellbeing.

This figure shows the effect of 800 mg/day of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex given orally for 15 days on various physical symptoms of aging. Consumption of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex led to significant reductions in self-reported muscle pain (63%); vision problems (57%); palpitations (46%); breathing difficulties (55%); flatulence (46%); dizziness and excessive sweating (62.5%).

In other words, Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex significantly improves physical wellbeing by reducing many of the unpleasant physical symptoms associated with aging. In a related study, subjects reported significant fatigue reduction, both in the evening and after waking up in the morning.


Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex is proven to have many positive effects on mental wellbeing, improving overall quality of life and restoring satisfaction in daily activities and social interactions.

Clinical studies show that daily intake of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex significantly improves mood and offers profound relief from anxiety, sleep disturbances, memory lapses and depression.

This figure shows the effects of 800 mg/Day Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex on self-reported markers of mental health in 688 subjects (average age 44 years). After 15 days, subjects reported significant improvement in anxiety and apprehension (32%); mental fatigue (54%); irrational fears (54%); sleep disorders (47%); memory loss (45%); and sadness/depression (50%).

In other words Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex is highly effective in improving various aspects of mental health after just 15 days without any of the toxic side effects of commercially available mental health drugs.


The free radical theory of aging explains that we age because our cells accumulate free radical damage over time. Most biologically relevant free radicals are highly reactive and cause oxidative damage to cellular structures such as DNA,leading to cancer and age-related diseases.

In a laboratory study, Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex inhibits lipid peroxidation, suggesting that it is an effective antioxidant that can postpone cellular aging by countering the harmful effects of damaging free radicals.

This figure shows the effect of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex on lipid peroxidation in rat hepatocytes overloaded with iron.

Treatment with a combination of vitamin E (250 mm) and Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex (1, 2 and 4 mg/mL) clearly offered stronger inhibition of lipid peroxidation and better protection against free radicals than either agent alone. In fact, combining vitamin E with 4 mg/mL Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex prevented lipid peroxidation by more than 90% in this study.

Antioxidants limit oxidative damage to biological structures by free radicals – therefore, this study suggests Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex is an effective antioxidant that can slow down or even postpone cellular aging by countering the harmful effects of damaging free radicals.

Peptide E Collagen – another of Celergen’s essential ingredients – rebuilds your skin from the inside out. It is easily absorbed
and acts directly on the skin, making it look healthier and radiant almost immediately.

Extensive clinical studies show that Peptide E Collagen provides the following health benefits:


Made up of the 2 main components of outer skin layers, collagen and elastin, Peptide E Collagen is easily absorbed, can lift and tone slack areas, improve hydration and skin thickness, and reduce lines, wrinkles, and roughness.

This figure shows the effect of 2 grams/day of Peptide E Collagen given orally for 28 days on forearm wrinkles and crow’s feet in 43 healthy female volunteers, aged 40-55 years.

At 28 days, 71% of subjects in the Peptide E Collagen group showed a significant decrease in the number of deep wrinkles. The average deep wrinkle reduction was equal to 10%. On the other hand, the control group showed further damage to their skin in the same period with a significant increase in deep wrinkles by 28% in 82% of subjects.

In other words, Peptide E Collagen rebuilds outer skin layers from the inside out and make your skin toned, supple and well hydrated while also reducing lines, wrinkles and roughness.


Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease in which immune T cells react to type II collagen by damaging synovial membrane in the joint. The membrane slowly becomes thicker, destroying cartilage and other joint structures.

In a clinical trial conducted, hydrolyzed collagen reduced the number of swollen and tender joints in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis. Hydrolyzed collagen is easily digested and absorbed by the body. This, along with its ability to accumulate in cartilage, makes Peptide E Collagen a promising therapy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease in which the synovial membrane of the joint is severely damaged. Type II collagen is the major protein in articular cartilage and is a potential auto-antigen to this disease.

In a randomized, double-blind clinical trial, hydrolyzed collagen was shown to reduce the number of swollen and tender joints in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis. 60 patients with severe active rheumatoid arthritis reported a decrease of swollen, tender joints after consuming chicken type II collagen for 3 months without any side effects. This effect was not seen in patients who received a placebo. Four patients in the collagen group experienced a complete remission of the disease.


Fibromyalgia is the second most common rheumatologic disease condition after osteoarthritis. Peptide E Collagen actively inhibits pain transmission and reduces the discharge of inflammatory factors and neurotransmitters in the joint.Peptide E Collagen also reduces pain by allowing collagen fibers to reform, improving the overall condition of the cartilage.

Hydrolyzed collagen is also easily digested and absorbed by the body. This, along with its abilities as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and cartilage builder, suggests that Peptide E Collagen may be a promising therapy for treating fibromyalgia.

Adding chondroitin sulfate will improve cellular development, while glucosamine will provide cartilage protection and has an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

Hydro MN Peptide, the third of Celergen’s essential ingredients, is a marine cartilage extract with a mix of hydrolyzed proteins
(mainly Collagen) and polysaccharides (35-40% chondroitin sulfate.)


Exposure to the sun’s UV radiation is a key factor that causes premature skin aging, known as photo aging, which leads to wrinkles, skin roughness, loss of skin elasticity, and mottled pigmentation.

Peptide M contains the same proteins and polysaccharides as the skin – they act together to improve skin structure,hydration, texture, and elasticity. Over time, fine lines, wrinkles, dilated capillaries, and age spots visibly reduce, reversing sun damage.


Peptide N, one of Celergen’s ingredients is a marine protein hydrolysate proven to reduce the dietary glycemic index or GI. Peptide N has been shown to prevent unhealthy body fat accumulation while alleviating symptoms of type II diabetes.

Glucose that enters the blood from food is used for energy production in the body’s cells, whereas excess glucose is transformed into fat and stored for later use. Over time this constant storage of fat leads to obesity. Second, frequent sharp, prolonged peaks of blood glucose and insulin (from high GI foods) are known to increase risk for insulin resistance and type II diabetes. On the other hand, a gradual release of blood glucose (from low GI foods) does not affect this risk and also delays hunger pangs.

This figure shows the results of a study evaluating the effects of 4 different proteins – Peptide N, fish fillet, casein milk protein, and soy protein isolate – on blood glucose levels in 17 female volunteers (aged 32-64 years). Each volunteer consumed these proteins in random order, always as part of composite meals of similar macronutrient composition with a 1-week gap between each meal.

Blood samples were taken from each volunteer to assess levels of glucose, insulin, and other biomarkers in the fasting state and 7 times after each meal for up to 240 minutes.


This figure shows the results of a study evaluating the effects of 4 different proteins – Peptide N, fish fillet, casein milk protein and soy protein isolate – on blood glucose levels in 17 female volunteers (aged 32-64 years). Each volunteer consumed these proteins in random order, always as part of composite meals of similar macronutrient composition with a 1-week gap between each meal.

Blood samples were taken from each volunteer to assess levels of glucose, insulin and other biomarkers in the fasting state and 7 times after each meal, for up to 240 minutes.

This study found that Peptide N supplementation resulted in a significantly blunted blood glucose response than with fish fillet protein or soy protein isolate. In other clinical studies, Peptide N has been shown to reduce appetite and promote satiety via its actions on metabolic hormones..